A Letter from Reverend Ronnie Nesbitt, 24 March 2020.

Dear Parishioners,

We are living through extraordinary times when almost all the things that felt certain about have been shaken and a feeling of anxiety, bordering on fear, permeates the air. As people of faith we continue to put our trust in the eternal, loving God revealed in the face of Jesus Christ. But let us not pretend that makes us immune from apprehension and unease.   CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE


This is the official website of of Bangor Abbey, Co. Down, Northern Ireland. Founded by St. Comgall 558AD, with a historical, current and rich Christian heritage. Today we are a lively and vibrant worshipping community, with an excellent choral heritage, faithful to the Church of Ireland (Anglican) liturgical tradition. We are formal without being fussy, and strive to make everyone welcome.

To get a feeling of what we do, and who we are, please view or subscribe to our YouTube channel, or follow us on Facebook links to which are below. We are also on Twitter HERE

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Services are 9am Monday-Friday on Facebook Live, Wednesday Midweek Worship at 7pm on YouTube and Sunday at 10.30am on Facebook Live. (The Facebook Live services are uploaded to the Facebook page, not YouTube, once the live stream has finished, and can be streamed anytime thereafter from our Facebook page.



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We rely on your generosity to help run Bangor Abbey. Information on how to make donations to our funds are available from our Donate Page

Bangor Abbey Annual Report and Financial Statement is available to read HERE.

Bangor Abbey

  • 028 9145 1087
  • Bangor Abbey Parish Newtownards Road, Bangor, BT20 4JF, Northern Ireland